Friday, July 21, 2006

Sounds of War

(Originally posted July 16th, 2006)

Last week sucked in all fronts: I was jetlagged coming back from Arizona, there was a lot of work at the office, my uncle was in intensive care, and a war broke with Lebanon. I couldn't wait for the week to end and for a new week to begin. Well, today it started. My uncle is feeling better, the jetlag is behind me, at work there's still a lot to do, but the war is beginning to show results.

Music always helps in times of stress. I started the morning with Wagner's "Die Walküre" - ride of the valkyries. I couldn't stop myself from seeing the scene from "Apocalypse Now" where the american helicopters raid Vietnam. Only this time I imagined Israeli planes bombing Hizballa in Lebanon. And you know what? It made me feel better. Get the fuckers! I continued with Dvořák's 9th Symphony ("Aus der neue Welt" - from the new world). This piece also has an aggresive rythem, bigger than life. From there I moved to Beethoven's 4th and 5th. I ended with the raging music of Pixies' "Surfer Rosa". And voila! I felt great!

I'm one of those always protesting against Israeli actions in Palestine. Some Israelis would say I'm a traitor. I hate what we do there. But Lebanon?! We left there years ago. That's behind us. If the Lebanese government is not taking responsibility for what's happening there - we will.

As for civilian casualties - I never thought those were legitimate targets. And I know the IDF never targets civilians. But if a civilian allowed Hizballa to hide rockets in his back yard, or lives in proximity to Hizballa headquarters in Beirut - he must know the risks. And you know what? They say you can't count blood. Right now, the casualty count is approximately 10 Israelis and 100 Lebanese. Sounds reasonable to me - 1/10 ratio. The Lebanese must learn that they will pay the price. Punishment is part of it. I don't like it. I don't want them to pay that price. But we've had enough. For six years since the pullout Israel suffered occasional aggression from Lebanon and responded mildly just to show we respond. But sometimes enough is enough. Lebanon had six great years. They finally experienced economic growth, tourism. Now they learn that they have what to lose. I just hope they work hard so this doesn't happen again.

I have a feeling that the Lebanese people will make great neighbours when a peace is here. They appear to be very close in mentality to the Israeli people. They are held hostage by Hizballa. I hope that next winter we can go skiing in Lebanon.

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